Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello everyone, I'm Back!

I left you all to attend Marquette University, in Milwaukee, WI where this week, I will be receiving my Masters of Public Service! It was an awesome time, full of learning about nonprofits, about myself, meeting great people, and of course, way too many arduous papers...

Dreaming and imagining my journey forward from here, I wanted to again offer to share it with you all. I promise it will be an interesting one! I would also like to reconnect, so please, if you are following, let me know. 

My journey will begin this summer. I will be working with two natural building schools, one in Oregon and one in Michigan, to share my skills and to learn many new ones! I'll be learning how to build a home from earthen materials, including clay, sand, straw, stone, reed, and wood.  These techniques come from the wisdom of traditional cultures and direct observation of Nature.

Do any of you remember my love and admiration for the 'mud houses' in Morocco? ... connecting the dots :)

View of the Inside of a Natural Cottage

I hope you will join me on my journey!


  1. Congratulations Laura! So great to hear your story again : )

  2. Got you bookmarked, and I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures.
    Sharon Brooks aka Hohe stream. (My high school gym teacher called me stream - last name Brooks, and I was a pretty fast runner back then)
    Thanks for the invite to follow your blog.


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